Flax Living — heart health

Nutrient Rich Flaxseeds

colon health essential fatty acids fiber fibre flax flaxrolls flaxseed flaxseed wrap gluten-free heart health omega3 phytonutrients protein superfood vegan vegetarian

Nutrient Rich Flaxseeds

Many have heard about Omega-3 in flax. But flaxseeds contain other nutrients which make eating the ground whole seed superior to consuming just the extracted oil. That's why every FlaxRoll flaxseed wrap contains at least 1 tablespoon (over 13 gm) of ground flaxseed. Fibre: Flaxseed is one of the richest sources of fibre. Soluble fibre can lower blood cholesterol levels. Insoluble fibre cleans the colon and promotes regularity. Essential Fatty Acids: Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 are known as “Healthy Fats”. They are called “essential”, because they are absolutely essential to your health. Protein: Flaxseed is one...

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Fabulous Flax

colon health essential fatty acids fiber fibre flax flaxrolls flaxseed flaxseed wrap heart health omega3 protein

Fabulous Flax

Flax is an ancient seed that has been used in the diets of humans for thousands of years. In 400 BC the' father of medicine', Hippocrates, used flax to treat his patients. His simple prescription was "Let them eat flax!" In the 8th century, flax seeds was believed to be so important for health that the medieval King Charlemagne passed laws requiring his subjects to consume flax regularly. Today, nutritionists, consumers, and scientists are rediscovering perhaps on the of the original 'health foods' and the tremendous health benefits of flaxseed. Flax seed is a nutritional powerhouse and a super-healing food....

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